Saturday, May 30, 2009

How to Make Intuitive Eating Work - 9 Words and Phrases to Avoid While Developing Positive Self Talk

Making the commitment to change your relationship with food and your body is no small feat. Do not use negative statements or words.

Here are 9 words and examples of phrases that Dr. Nancy Bonios, creator of the “The Bonios Plan, Beyond Dieting” suggests to avoid while developing your positive self talk:

1) “Not” - Don’t say, “I’m not going to eat.” You’ll end up starving.

2) “Never” - Avoid saying, “I’m never going to overeat again.” You will find that you’re, chomping at the bit, desperate to eat, unable to stop yourself.

3) “Won’t” - Don’t say things like, “I won’t weigh myself anymore.” You’ll feel compelled to jump on the scale. Best to avoid the temptation and put it away.

4) “Going To” - Don’t say, “I know this program is going to work for me.” This is speaking in a future tense, telling your brain that it’s not working in the present. Instead say, “It is working now.”

5) “Will” - Don’t say, “I’m sure this program will work for me.” This doesn’t indicate any specific time when it will work. This is the same as telling yourself it is “going to.” You may use the word, “Will” as long as you specify that it will work for you, and it will work NOW.”

6) “Try” - Don’t say, you will try something. It screams your anticipation of failure. Trying won’t enable you to succeed. Instead say, “I will!.”

7) “But” - Avoid using the word, “but” when making comparisons. “But” discounts and disqualifies everything that precedes it in the sentence. Use the word, “And”

8)“I am thin.” Your subconscious brain takes this information and automatically assumes that you have already achieved your desired goal. Instead say, “I am becoming thinner now.” It’s positive, in the present tense and it suggests movement and action toward your intended goal.

9) “Can” - Don’t say, “I can lose weight without dieting.” That implies that you have the ability to do it, not that you are doing it now.


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