Why Life Originated (And Why it Continues)
December 9, 2008 By Lisa Zyga
(PhysOrg.com) -- Today, scientists understand pretty well how life evolves, by mechanisms based on Darwin’s theory of natural selection for survival of the fittest. However, Darwin’s 1859 classic, On the Origin of Species, somewhat ironically doesn’t answer that very question – how species actually originated. And to this day, how that first tiny pool of chemicals twitched to life remains a puzzle.
In a recent study called “Why did life emerge?”, two scientists, son and father Arto Annila of the University of Helsinki and Erkki Annila of the Finnish Forest Research Institute, offer some insight into the general driving force of life’s origins in terms of thermodynamics. As they explain, all organisms are composed of molecules that assemble together via numerous chemical reactions. Just as heat flows from hot to cold, these molecules obey the universal tendency to diminish energy differences, so that the most likely chemical reactions are those in which energy flows “downhill” toward a stationary state, or chemical equilibrium.
Although the researchers don’t speculate on the specific chemical reactions that created life, they explain that the molecules involved most likely underwent a series of more and more complex reactions to minimize mutual energy differences between matter on Earth and with respect to high-energy radiation from Sun. The process eventually advanced so far that it cumulated into such sophisticated functional structures that could be called living.
“The most important idea in our study is that there is no distinction between animate and inanimate,” Arto Annila told PhysOrg.com. “Processes of life are, in their principles, no different from any other natural processes.”
In their study, which is published in the International Journal of Astrobiology, the researchers considered a primordial pool that contained some basic compounds. By reacting with one another and coupling with an external energy source such as the Sun, the compounds formed a chemical system. The compounds continually engaged in chemical reactions, thriving the most when capturing and distributing more and more of the Sun’s energy in the quest for a steady state. The evolutionary process was and still is non-deterministic, even chaotic, since the energy flows create energy differences that in turn affect the flows.
Due to random variations stemming from the chemical reactions, some novel compounds may have emerged in the primordial system. Some of these compounds (such as those involving carbon) might have been exceptionally good at creating energy flow, enabling the system to diminish energy differences very efficiently and reach a higher level of entropy. Compounds with these advantages would have gained ground during this period of primitive chemical evolution. But the scientists emphasize that identifying which exact compounds were key players during this period would be very difficult to determine.
“Today we may have only very little evidence left from the courses in the very distant past to deduce which chemical species went extinct, while others, more viable in energy transduction, emerged,” Arto Annila explained. In other words, this study focuses on why life emerged, not how.
What is more relevant, the scientists note, is the fact that the physical tendency to diminish energy differences makes no distinction between systems that are inanimate or animate. As the researchers explain, the order and complexity that characterize modern biological systems have no value in and of themselves, but structure and hierarchical organization emerged and developed because they provided paths for increasing energy flows.
The scientists give several examples of mechanisms associated with life that increase entropy. For instance, when systems (e.g. molecules) become entities of larger systems (e.g. cells) that participate in larger ranges of interactions to consume more free energy, entropy increases. Genetic code might have served as another primordial mechanism, acting as a catalyst that could increase energy flow toward greater entropy. Today, complex organisms have cellular metabolism, which is another mechanism that increases entropy, as it disperses energy throughout the organism and into the environment. The food chain in an ecosystem is another example of a mechanism for transferring energy on a larger scale.
In this sense, life is a very natural thing, which emerged simply to satisfy basic physical laws. Our “purpose,” so to speak, is to redistribute energy on the Earth, which is in between a huge potential energy difference caused by the hot Sun and cold space. Organisms evolve via natural selection, but at the most basic level, natural selection is driven by the same thermodynamic principle: increasing entropy and decreasing energy differences. The natural processes from which life emerged, then, are the same processes that keep life going – and they operate on all timescales.
“According to thermodynamics, there was no striking moment or no single specific locus for life to originate, but the natural process has been advancing by a long sequence of steps via numerous mechanisms so far reaching a specific meaning – life,” the researchers explained.
And because thermodynamics recognizes no specific moment, particular place, compound or reaction that would distinguish animate from inanimate, a search for ‘the birth of life’ seems like an ill-posed project, Arto Annila explained.
“Indeed, the quest for the origin of life seems a futile endeavor because life in its entirety is a natural process that has, according to the second law of thermodynamics, no definite beginning,” he said. “To ask how life started would be the same as to ask when and where did the first wind blow that quivered the surface of a warm pond.”
More information: Annila, Arto and Annila, Erkki. “Why did life emerge?” International Journal of Astrobiology 7 (3 & 4 ): 293-300 (2008).
Copyright 2008 PhysOrg.com.
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of PhysOrg.com.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Derwinism: Not Representing Your Woman to the Fullest
Derwinism: Not Representing Your Woman to the Fullest
"Why is she going to a medical seminar"? "She's not even a real doctor". "Well, she is a real doctor, she's just not practicing". "Are you defending her in my house"? "No, I'm not defending her, I'm just clarifying". "Ok, she likes to pretend, pass the scalpel". (Insert laughter) This was the conversation between characters Janay and Derwin on the BET's hit tv show, The Game. For those of you not familiar with the television series, The Game is a "dramedy" that is centered around a professional football team. The "dramedy" focuses on the players on the team and the women in their lives. The main characters of the show, Melanie and Derwin were just recently married after a tumultous relationship including Derwin getting another woman pregnant while the two were separated briefly. The conversation above took place between Derwin and his "baby mama", Janay. For obvious reasons, Derwin's wife Melanie and Janay do not get along, hence Janay's snide remark about Melanie not being a "real doctor". Instead of Derwin taking up for his wife, what does he do? He makes fun of her or as I like to say "played her to the left" just to appease his "baby mama". He does not defend his wife but instead displays a classic case of what I like to call "Derwinism: Not Representing Your Woman To The Fullest.
As I'm watching this scene unfold, I immediately get mad as if this show is "real life". After I tell myself to calm down because it's only a t.v. show, that's when I realized that the reason I got mad is because that has happened to me! If I had a nickel for every time a boyfriend played me to the left for some insignificant chick then I would be a millionaire. It really pisses me off when men don't have the cojones to put a woman in check that is disrespecting your woman. I look at it as though you're not representing your woman at all times. There are three "situations" in which some men will not "represent" their woman in the presence of other females especially when that "other" female does not like their girlfriend/wife.
1). Making fun of your girlfriend to make yourself look better...
This situation is exactly what Derwin did in The Game episode. He let Janay intimidate him with the question of "Are you defending her in my house"? Instead of taking up for his wife and clearly stating that she is a doctor, what does he do? He takes the bitch ass way out and "plays" his wife to the left, just to appease his "baby mama". He does it so he can make Janay secure and so that he can feel better about himself knowing that he is not trying to make Janay uncomfortable by "defending" Melanie. If you're a man who cannot EVEN defend your wife/girlfriend then what are you doing in a relationship? Derwin should have been a MAN and stood up to Janay and put her in her place by letting her know that Melanie is his WIFE and that he won't tolerate any snide remarks about her. I guarantee you if he had put Janay in her place then she would have retreated like a bad puppy who just got bopped on the nose for peeing on the floor.
2). When men let other women talk shit about his girlfriend/wife in his presence
This situation right here has happened to me more times than I can count but I will start with the first time I ever encountered it. I was dating this guy when I was a freshman in high school and we were surely an "odd" couple. The type of couple that no one would have EVER guessed that would've started dating. We had been going out for about a month and I realized that one of his "girl" friends did not like me and would constantly talk shit about me to him. Of course when I confronted him, I asked him why he did let her talk shit about me in his presence and do you know that this fool had the NERVE to say "I don't know"! I was only fifteen then but I had enough sense to know that that wasn't right. I was absolutely floored that he wouldn't stand up for me! What some men don't understand is, that who you are in a relationship with is a reflection of yourself. So therefore in theory, if this heifer was talking shit about me, then in essence she was talking about him! He definitely was not representing me or having my back when it came to her. Needless to say, a month, later, we were done.
3). Being too nice to an ex when you're in a new relationship
I have also dealt with this situaton more times than I can count as well. You know how it goes, ladies. You get into a new relationship with a man and everything is going well and then BOOM! His ex or the girl that he used to date before you, pops up out of nowhere and tries to get in where she DON'T fit in. The relationship is fairly new so at this point, he wants to be open and honest and tells you that she contacted him. Now this is the part where I struggle, I want to tell him what to do and how to handle the situation but at the same time, I feel like I'm at the age now where I shouldn't have to tell him how to handle the situation, he should just know! Well, here's the problem ladies, more than likely, he's not going to handle it how you think he SHOULD handle it. Most men say that they will ignore her and eventually she'll get the hint and stop contacting him. Well, some women will, and some won't. In the event, that she doesn't get the hint, the man then needs to tell her that he is in a relationship and that she doesn't need to contact him anymore. However, most men are not going to say "Look, bitch, stop calling and texting me". Most men are going to try and be nice and say "I'm sorry but I've met someone else, I don't mean to hurt you, it just happened".
So ladies, you're puzzled at his response because everyone knows that when you're nice to THAT type of woman that she thinks you're leaving the door cracked open so she can sneak her big toe in. She's the type of woman who calls a man and asks him why he stopped talking to her? "Where they do that at"? Clearly not from where I'm from! So you ask him, why were you so nice to her? And he responds "Well, I didn't want to be mean and hurt her feelings"! You have got to be freaking kidding me! So let me get this straight, you didn't want to hurt her feelings now that you had to tell her that you were in a new relationship but before when you two were dating, you told her that you didn't want to be in a relationship and you just stopped talking to her cold turkey?! GTFOH...Where was all this concern at before? Bottom line is, is that these men feel guilty about their actions toward their ex's and they feel as though they need to coddle them. But forget them! Their feelings don't matter, the only person who's feelings matter, are yours! Because at the end of the day, who's "really" going to have his back? You are! Umm...it's great that these men have a conscience but in the words of rapper Positive K "What that got to do with me"?
What men do not understand is that the new "woman" wants to feel REPRESENTED and by them being nice to an ex and feeling like they have to explain what is going on, the "new woman" wonders if there is a reason why he is being so nice to her? Fellas, let me tell you, when a woman gets in a new relationship, she has "NO PROBLEM" telling her ex's that she has found someone else and to please stop contacting her. She may not be rude about it but she will damn sure be direct because we as women "LOVE" and "WANT" to represent our men. However, men only tiptoe around a woman's feelings when it is convenient for them. Instead of being nice, here is how the conversation should go...
Ex Chick: Why haven't you been returning my calls? Why have you stopped talking to me?
Dude: First off, I'm in a new relationship and I would appreciate it if you would stop calling and texting especially at this late hour when I am trying to chill with my lady
Ex Chick: Well, what makes her so special? You told me that you didn't want to be a relationship?
Dude: Let me stop you right there...I'm in a new relationship and I wish you well. I don't have any hard feelings or ill will towards you. Have a good night.
And that's how you HARD-BODY that type of situation. It was straight to the point and the man represented his new "woman" to the fullest. There were no type of apologies or explanations. All women want to know is that if they can be "HARD-BODY" and dismantle a relationship with an ex, then that their "new man" can too without hesitation, without feeling bad and without feeling like they have to explain. Women want a man that feels proud to have her on their arm. The type of man that will brag about his woman and "represent" her at ALL TIMES whether she is around or not. So fellas, a little piece of advice: Never make fun of your woman to make yourself look "cool" because in the end you just look like a "lame" and a "douchebag". Never let another "bobblehead" disrespect your woman in your presence because she is a representation of you. Last but not least, never be too concerned with an ex's feelings because your woman's feelings are the only ones that matter and it is not worth pissing her off just so you can be nice to "an insignificant chick, who couldn't even hold your attention long enough to become your woman".
"Why is she going to a medical seminar"? "She's not even a real doctor". "Well, she is a real doctor, she's just not practicing". "Are you defending her in my house"? "No, I'm not defending her, I'm just clarifying". "Ok, she likes to pretend, pass the scalpel". (Insert laughter) This was the conversation between characters Janay and Derwin on the BET's hit tv show, The Game. For those of you not familiar with the television series, The Game is a "dramedy" that is centered around a professional football team. The "dramedy" focuses on the players on the team and the women in their lives. The main characters of the show, Melanie and Derwin were just recently married after a tumultous relationship including Derwin getting another woman pregnant while the two were separated briefly. The conversation above took place between Derwin and his "baby mama", Janay. For obvious reasons, Derwin's wife Melanie and Janay do not get along, hence Janay's snide remark about Melanie not being a "real doctor". Instead of Derwin taking up for his wife, what does he do? He makes fun of her or as I like to say "played her to the left" just to appease his "baby mama". He does not defend his wife but instead displays a classic case of what I like to call "Derwinism: Not Representing Your Woman To The Fullest.
As I'm watching this scene unfold, I immediately get mad as if this show is "real life". After I tell myself to calm down because it's only a t.v. show, that's when I realized that the reason I got mad is because that has happened to me! If I had a nickel for every time a boyfriend played me to the left for some insignificant chick then I would be a millionaire. It really pisses me off when men don't have the cojones to put a woman in check that is disrespecting your woman. I look at it as though you're not representing your woman at all times. There are three "situations" in which some men will not "represent" their woman in the presence of other females especially when that "other" female does not like their girlfriend/wife.
1). Making fun of your girlfriend to make yourself look better...
This situation is exactly what Derwin did in The Game episode. He let Janay intimidate him with the question of "Are you defending her in my house"? Instead of taking up for his wife and clearly stating that she is a doctor, what does he do? He takes the bitch ass way out and "plays" his wife to the left, just to appease his "baby mama". He does it so he can make Janay secure and so that he can feel better about himself knowing that he is not trying to make Janay uncomfortable by "defending" Melanie. If you're a man who cannot EVEN defend your wife/girlfriend then what are you doing in a relationship? Derwin should have been a MAN and stood up to Janay and put her in her place by letting her know that Melanie is his WIFE and that he won't tolerate any snide remarks about her. I guarantee you if he had put Janay in her place then she would have retreated like a bad puppy who just got bopped on the nose for peeing on the floor.
2). When men let other women talk shit about his girlfriend/wife in his presence
This situation right here has happened to me more times than I can count but I will start with the first time I ever encountered it. I was dating this guy when I was a freshman in high school and we were surely an "odd" couple. The type of couple that no one would have EVER guessed that would've started dating. We had been going out for about a month and I realized that one of his "girl" friends did not like me and would constantly talk shit about me to him. Of course when I confronted him, I asked him why he did let her talk shit about me in his presence and do you know that this fool had the NERVE to say "I don't know"! I was only fifteen then but I had enough sense to know that that wasn't right. I was absolutely floored that he wouldn't stand up for me! What some men don't understand is, that who you are in a relationship with is a reflection of yourself. So therefore in theory, if this heifer was talking shit about me, then in essence she was talking about him! He definitely was not representing me or having my back when it came to her. Needless to say, a month, later, we were done.
3). Being too nice to an ex when you're in a new relationship
I have also dealt with this situaton more times than I can count as well. You know how it goes, ladies. You get into a new relationship with a man and everything is going well and then BOOM! His ex or the girl that he used to date before you, pops up out of nowhere and tries to get in where she DON'T fit in. The relationship is fairly new so at this point, he wants to be open and honest and tells you that she contacted him. Now this is the part where I struggle, I want to tell him what to do and how to handle the situation but at the same time, I feel like I'm at the age now where I shouldn't have to tell him how to handle the situation, he should just know! Well, here's the problem ladies, more than likely, he's not going to handle it how you think he SHOULD handle it. Most men say that they will ignore her and eventually she'll get the hint and stop contacting him. Well, some women will, and some won't. In the event, that she doesn't get the hint, the man then needs to tell her that he is in a relationship and that she doesn't need to contact him anymore. However, most men are not going to say "Look, bitch, stop calling and texting me". Most men are going to try and be nice and say "I'm sorry but I've met someone else, I don't mean to hurt you, it just happened".
So ladies, you're puzzled at his response because everyone knows that when you're nice to THAT type of woman that she thinks you're leaving the door cracked open so she can sneak her big toe in. She's the type of woman who calls a man and asks him why he stopped talking to her? "Where they do that at"? Clearly not from where I'm from! So you ask him, why were you so nice to her? And he responds "Well, I didn't want to be mean and hurt her feelings"! You have got to be freaking kidding me! So let me get this straight, you didn't want to hurt her feelings now that you had to tell her that you were in a new relationship but before when you two were dating, you told her that you didn't want to be in a relationship and you just stopped talking to her cold turkey?! GTFOH...Where was all this concern at before? Bottom line is, is that these men feel guilty about their actions toward their ex's and they feel as though they need to coddle them. But forget them! Their feelings don't matter, the only person who's feelings matter, are yours! Because at the end of the day, who's "really" going to have his back? You are! Umm...it's great that these men have a conscience but in the words of rapper Positive K "What that got to do with me"?
What men do not understand is that the new "woman" wants to feel REPRESENTED and by them being nice to an ex and feeling like they have to explain what is going on, the "new woman" wonders if there is a reason why he is being so nice to her? Fellas, let me tell you, when a woman gets in a new relationship, she has "NO PROBLEM" telling her ex's that she has found someone else and to please stop contacting her. She may not be rude about it but she will damn sure be direct because we as women "LOVE" and "WANT" to represent our men. However, men only tiptoe around a woman's feelings when it is convenient for them. Instead of being nice, here is how the conversation should go...
Ex Chick: Why haven't you been returning my calls? Why have you stopped talking to me?
Dude: First off, I'm in a new relationship and I would appreciate it if you would stop calling and texting especially at this late hour when I am trying to chill with my lady
Ex Chick: Well, what makes her so special? You told me that you didn't want to be a relationship?
Dude: Let me stop you right there...I'm in a new relationship and I wish you well. I don't have any hard feelings or ill will towards you. Have a good night.
And that's how you HARD-BODY that type of situation. It was straight to the point and the man represented his new "woman" to the fullest. There were no type of apologies or explanations. All women want to know is that if they can be "HARD-BODY" and dismantle a relationship with an ex, then that their "new man" can too without hesitation, without feeling bad and without feeling like they have to explain. Women want a man that feels proud to have her on their arm. The type of man that will brag about his woman and "represent" her at ALL TIMES whether she is around or not. So fellas, a little piece of advice: Never make fun of your woman to make yourself look "cool" because in the end you just look like a "lame" and a "douchebag". Never let another "bobblehead" disrespect your woman in your presence because she is a representation of you. Last but not least, never be too concerned with an ex's feelings because your woman's feelings are the only ones that matter and it is not worth pissing her off just so you can be nice to "an insignificant chick, who couldn't even hold your attention long enough to become your woman".
Roy Orbison
If you like Roy Orbison you’ll love this one.......
If you don’t like Roy Orbison you will still love this one!!
If you don’t like Roy Orbison you will still love this one!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Greatest movie quotes
# Welcome to the Greatest movie quote page. I know you're thinking we've got a huge ego for calling this site the greatest movie quote page. But you see, we believe that it is quality of movie quotes and not the quantity that make makes the difference. We could copy hundreds of quotes off other sites but that's just studpid. Instead we only put the high quality ones on our site.
They Live:(RODDY RODDY PIPER) "I'm here to do one of two things, kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum."
(DEAD POETS SOCIETY) Neil: The meek may inherit the earth but they don't get in to Harvard.
(Just one of the guys) Buddy: Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’ve never had sex before. I’ve had lots of sex! It’s just that now I’d like to try it with a partner.
Raising Arizona:
Glen: How many Pollacks it take to screw up a lightbulb?
H.I. McDunnough: I don't know, Glen. One?
Glen: Nope, it takes three.
[Glen laughs. H.I. doesn't]
Glen: Wait a minute, I told it wrong. Here, I'm startin' over: How come it takes three Pollacks to screw up a lightbulb?
H.I. McDunnough: I don't know, Glen.
Glen: 'Cause they're so darn stupid!
[Dirty Harry (1971)] Detective Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood): "When a man is chasing a woman in the park, naked with a butcher's knife in his hand, I don't think he'll be collecting for the Red Cross!"
Reggie (Eddie Murphy) in 48 Hrs: "You know what I am? I'm your worst f***ing nightmare, man. I'm a nigger with a badge. That means I got permission to kick your f***ing ass whenever I feel like it."
Ray Tango (Sylvester Stallone)Tango & Cash (1989): "My contribution to birth control." (after sticking a grenade down a bad guy's pants)
DR STRANGELOVE: "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!" President Merkin Muffley (Peter Sellers) stopping a dispute in Dr. Strangelove.
DR. EVIL (AUSTIN POWERS): Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to my underground lair. I have gathered here before me the worlds deadliest assassins. And yet each of you has failed to kill Austin powers. That makes me angry. And when Dr. Evil get angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset...people DIE!!!
(BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD MOVIE) Old Woman on Bus: I'm hoping to score big myself. I'll mostly be doing the slots. Beavis: Yeah, yeah. I'm hoping to do some sluts too.
BILLY MADISON Old Woman: If peeing in your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis. Billy: That was the most disgusting thing I've ever heard.
CASINO Sam "Ace" Rothstein: No matter how big a guy might be, Nicky would take him on. You beat Nicky with fists, he comes back with a bat. You beat him with a knife, he comes back with a gun. And if you beat him with a gun, you better kill him because he'll keep coming back and back until one of you is dead.
LIAR LIAR Max Reid (Justin Cooper): My teacher tells me beauty is on the inside.
Fletcher (Jim Carrey): That's just something ugly people say.
PARTY GIRL(Parker Posey):I would like a nice, powerful, mind-altering substance. Preferably one that will make my unborn children, grow gills.
Tommy Boy:Tommy: Let me tell you why I suck as a salesman. Let's say I go into some guys office. Let's say he's even remotely interested in buying something. Well then I get all excited. I'm like Jo Jo the idiot circus boy with a pretty new pet. The pet is my possible sale. How I love my pet. So I pet it and I stroke it and I massage it. I love it. I love my little naughty pet. You're naughty! And then I take my naughty pet and I go gszdkgs gszdkgs. OHHH!! I killed it!! I killed my sale!
Tootsie:(Dustin Hoffman): I was a better man with you as a woman than I ever was with a woman as a man.
North by Northwest:(Cary Grant) "In the world of advertising, there's no such thing as a lie. There's only expedient exaggeration."
TWISTER:(Cary Grant)"She didn't marry your penis. ...Okay, she didn't marry only your penis." (Melissa) Jami Gertz to a patient via telephone.
The Hunt for Red October:(Jeffrey Pelt) "Listen; I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops. But ... it also means I keep my options open..."
Austin Powers:"Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy...the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess in the insane lament. My childhood was typical...summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds...pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum...it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it."
Dazed and Confused: "That's what I love about high school girls. No matter how old I get, they always stay the same age."
Dazed and Confused: "That's what I love about high school girls. No matter how old I get, they always stay the same age."
Princess Bride: "Life is pain. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something."
Plan 9 from Outer Space: Greetings, my friends. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friends, future events such as these will affect you in the future.....
Crimes and Misdemeanors : My husband and I fell in love at first sight. Maybe I should have taken a second look.
They Live:(RODDY RODDY PIPER) "I'm here to do one of two things, kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum."
(DEAD POETS SOCIETY) Neil: The meek may inherit the earth but they don't get in to Harvard.
(Just one of the guys) Buddy: Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’ve never had sex before. I’ve had lots of sex! It’s just that now I’d like to try it with a partner.
Raising Arizona:
Glen: How many Pollacks it take to screw up a lightbulb?
H.I. McDunnough: I don't know, Glen. One?
Glen: Nope, it takes three.
[Glen laughs. H.I. doesn't]
Glen: Wait a minute, I told it wrong. Here, I'm startin' over: How come it takes three Pollacks to screw up a lightbulb?
H.I. McDunnough: I don't know, Glen.
Glen: 'Cause they're so darn stupid!
[Dirty Harry (1971)] Detective Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood): "When a man is chasing a woman in the park, naked with a butcher's knife in his hand, I don't think he'll be collecting for the Red Cross!"
Reggie (Eddie Murphy) in 48 Hrs: "You know what I am? I'm your worst f***ing nightmare, man. I'm a nigger with a badge. That means I got permission to kick your f***ing ass whenever I feel like it."
Ray Tango (Sylvester Stallone)Tango & Cash (1989): "My contribution to birth control." (after sticking a grenade down a bad guy's pants)
DR STRANGELOVE: "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!" President Merkin Muffley (Peter Sellers) stopping a dispute in Dr. Strangelove.
DR. EVIL (AUSTIN POWERS): Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to my underground lair. I have gathered here before me the worlds deadliest assassins. And yet each of you has failed to kill Austin powers. That makes me angry. And when Dr. Evil get angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset...people DIE!!!
(BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD MOVIE) Old Woman on Bus: I'm hoping to score big myself. I'll mostly be doing the slots. Beavis: Yeah, yeah. I'm hoping to do some sluts too.
BILLY MADISON Old Woman: If peeing in your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis. Billy: That was the most disgusting thing I've ever heard.
CASINO Sam "Ace" Rothstein: No matter how big a guy might be, Nicky would take him on. You beat Nicky with fists, he comes back with a bat. You beat him with a knife, he comes back with a gun. And if you beat him with a gun, you better kill him because he'll keep coming back and back until one of you is dead.
LIAR LIAR Max Reid (Justin Cooper): My teacher tells me beauty is on the inside.
Fletcher (Jim Carrey): That's just something ugly people say.
PARTY GIRL(Parker Posey):I would like a nice, powerful, mind-altering substance. Preferably one that will make my unborn children, grow gills.
Tommy Boy:Tommy: Let me tell you why I suck as a salesman. Let's say I go into some guys office. Let's say he's even remotely interested in buying something. Well then I get all excited. I'm like Jo Jo the idiot circus boy with a pretty new pet. The pet is my possible sale. How I love my pet. So I pet it and I stroke it and I massage it. I love it. I love my little naughty pet. You're naughty! And then I take my naughty pet and I go gszdkgs gszdkgs. OHHH!! I killed it!! I killed my sale!
Tootsie:(Dustin Hoffman): I was a better man with you as a woman than I ever was with a woman as a man.
North by Northwest:(Cary Grant) "In the world of advertising, there's no such thing as a lie. There's only expedient exaggeration."
TWISTER:(Cary Grant)"She didn't marry your penis. ...Okay, she didn't marry only your penis." (Melissa) Jami Gertz to a patient via telephone.
The Hunt for Red October:(Jeffrey Pelt) "Listen; I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops. But ... it also means I keep my options open..."
Austin Powers:"Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy...the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess in the insane lament. My childhood was typical...summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds...pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum...it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it."
Dazed and Confused: "That's what I love about high school girls. No matter how old I get, they always stay the same age."
Dazed and Confused: "That's what I love about high school girls. No matter how old I get, they always stay the same age."
Princess Bride: "Life is pain. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something."
Plan 9 from Outer Space: Greetings, my friends. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friends, future events such as these will affect you in the future.....
Crimes and Misdemeanors : My husband and I fell in love at first sight. Maybe I should have taken a second look.
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